Code of Conduct

Global Voices is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all participants. This code of conduct applies to the GV Asia Pacific Summit and all conference-related social events, such as parties or gatherings at restaurants or bars.


Global Voices is a large, diverse, community that spans many countries, languages, cultures, and behavioural norms. The GV Summit is an international gathering—people from over 60 countries will be in attendance, speaking multiple languages. English will often be the language we are using, and people who are fluent English speakers will have an advantage over less fluent English speakers. We encourage all participants to be sensitive to others’ differences and to engage your fellow participants at all times in a civil and constructive manner.

Community Ethics

Global Voices seeks to foster a community environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the right to work in an atmosphere that promotes equal opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices, including harassment. We strive for a community in which relationships will be free from bias, prejudice and harassment.

It is the policy of Global Voices to ensure equal opportunity without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, colour, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other protected characteristic.

Our staff, board, and community members write for and represent Global Voices in a variety of forums, conferences, public events, academic settings, and media. We recognize that our behaviour in those and similar contexts should reflect both our mission and standards for behaviour that reflect the values of our community—mutual respect, openness, willingness to listen, acceptance of diverse viewpoints, and awareness of differing gender norms.

Community members who represent GV in various forums are the face of the community regardless of whether they are paid staff or volunteers, and noting that many in the community also represent other organizations, or themselves, in different contexts.

Global Voices community members operate in many different legal and regulatory environments around the world; we seek to familiarize ourselves with local laws and respect local norms as we work and travel in different contexts.

As local norms vary throughout the world, behavior that is acceptable in one context is offensive or even illegal in another. We make an effort to be aware of issues such as personal space, gender contact, hand gestures, jokes and direct speech, norms around money, and alcohol consumption.


While there are different norms and laws for harassment around the world, Global Voices seeks to foster an environment in which all individuals from all countries will be protected from discrimination or harassment.

Global Voices policy prohibits sexual harassment and harassment because of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other protected characteristic. Violations should be reported to the Managing Director, Georgia Popplewell, or the Executive Director, Ivan Sigal, or alternatively, community representatives to the Board.

In the event of complaints, privacy of the concerned individuals is paramount, and confidentiality will be respected – only those with a need to know based on professional concerns will be informed.

For the purposes of this policy, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (i) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; (ii) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or (iii) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

In the event of a harassment, there will be no retaliation for complaints. GV will seek to provide prompt investigation of complaints. GV also welcomes questions, concerns, and requests for training of staff.